Missouri State taps Springfield IT director as new CIO

Missouri State University announced this week that Jeff Coiner will take over the role of chief information officer, bringing more than 30 years of experience to the position.
Coiner, an MSU alumnus, will begin his new appointment on July 8, the university said on Tuesday, succeeding Jeff Morrissey, who recently retired. Theresa McCoy, MSU’s director of computer services, will serve as CIO in the interim.

Jeff Coiner
In his new role, Coiner will lead and manage IT services across MSU and will oversee system-wide planning, management, security and coordination of technology resources, according to the university. Additionally, he will support ongoing digital transformation efforts on the campus.
“Jeff brings a wealth of experience in information technology leadership to Missouri State,” said MSU president Clif Smart in a statement. “I’m confident he will enrich the learning environment of the campus community through the innovative use of IT.”
For more than three decades, Coiner has worked in IT, holding several positions including director of information technology at the defense contractor Northrop Grumman, technical service manager at construction company EFCO, and intranet coordinator at the multinational energy corporation Conoco Phillips.
Currently, Coiner serves as director of information systems for the city of Springfield, Missouri, where he has worked since 2007. In this role, Coiner has overseen the development, implementation and support of technology across the city’s 23 departments. He also manages the city’s $5 million IT budget.
Coiner has a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems from Missouri State University and received an MBA from Oklahoma State University.