U. Arkansas names associate CIO for enterprise software upgrade

The University of Arkansas on Thursday announced the hire of Don Ussery, a former IT administrator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as its new associate chief information officer of enterprise applications and data services.
Ussery, who started in the new role Monday, is responsible for deploying and standardizing enterprise systems and directing the university’s enterprise resource planning, data management and campus application teams, according to a university press release. Steve Krogull, the university’s CIO, said the position is critical to the institution’s success, particularly as it continues to deploy financial management and human resources software from Workday.

Don Ussery (LinkedIn)
“Don was an obvious choice as a current leader in [enterprise resource planning] project development and operations,” Krogull said. “I’m confident in his ability to deploy technology solutions to support the academic, research and outreach mission of the university.”
At the University of Wisconsin, Ussery served as the assistant director of PeopleSoft administration, where he was responsible for the operational, financial and personnel functions of the institution’s enterprise platforms.
Like many higher education institutions, the University of Arkansas is preparing for a traditional fall semester in which staff and students return to campus, but administrators said they plan to continue offering some remote learning options. (The university is encouraging, but not requiring, COVID-19 vaccinations for those on campus.) Ussery is slated for a return to campus on July 12.