Florida high school student sends vulgar memo to entire school after email ‘hack’

For many high school seniors, pranking their classmates and institutions ahead of graduation is a celebrated tradition, but how far is too far?
A student at LaBelle High School in southern Florida managed to hack into his school’s email system and send an obscene sexualized message to all students, staff and faculty. The fake directive called for all male students to report to school on May 7 for mandatory inspection of the male anatomy in accordance with a fake “penal health code.”
“Female students are to disregard this message,” the letter read.
“It was something funny, but at the same time it was something scary,” Kenneth Carrion, a parent who lives in Labelle, told Fox. “You get some high schooler hacking into the system, think about it, what are we doing wrong for security?”
However, several Reddit users seemed unperturbed by the incident.
“This is an A grade prank,” said one user.
Others questioned whether the student actually hacked the email system.
“‘Hacked’ in this context almost certainly means ‘hit reply all to a message … administrators sent without a listserv or bcc,” said another user.
According to a follow-up email sent by the school’s dean, the district is still investigating how the student was able to send the memo and apologized for the prank.
It is not yet known what punishment if any, the student will receive or if legal action will be taken.
The school district did not respond for requests for additional information about the prank.