Higher education technology leaders gather at EDUCAUSE

ANAHEIM, Calif. – Nearly 8,000 higher education CIOs and technology specialists from 1,800 higher education institutions and 46 nations are gathering in Anaheim, California, this week to attend the 16th annual EDUCAUSE conference, according to conference officials.
The conference, which began Tuesday with a series of specialty training workshops, will feature nearly 400 presentations and panel sessions covering a full range of technology issues confronting university and college IT leaders and administrators, including:
- Innovating in IT infrastructure and cloud-based IT environments
- Enabling the data-driven decision-making environment
- Driving innovation in teaching and learning
- Reducing and managing risk in a digital world
- Producing, distributing and using digital based knowledge
- Leading and partnering strategically across the academy
This year’s conference will also see the debut of the Diana G. Oblinger Innovation Forum for CIOs and academic affairs leaders. The forum will examine the intersection of technologies supporting academic transformation and student success and explore “where leadership and data can power institutional change,” according to conference organizers.
Also new this year is the Pitch IT! Competition where leaders will present their biggest teaching and learning or student success issues and where the community can begin to collaborate to create solutions.
With nearly 300 education technology companies exhibiting their latest hardware, software and digital services for higher education institutions, the conference is also expected to be a focal point for a wave of new product announcements.
In addition, EDUCAUSE will also showcase 27 emerging companies in an area called the Start-Up Alley, featuring edtech companies developing new models, and leveraging technology in innovative ways to address pressing higher education issues, including access, student success and retention.
EDUCASE officials are also expected to release on Wednesday their annual list of Top 10 IT priorities for the coming year, and the organizations new 5-year strategic plan.
This year’s conference runs from October 25-28 at the Anaheim Convention Center.